Globale Standards für Freiwilligenarbeit

Das International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum) hat globale Standards für die Freiwilligenarbeit entwickelt. Diese nicht nur einen Beitrag zu den SDG´s (Sustainable Development Goals) leisten, sondern auch den Nutzen der Arbeit und das Wohlbefinden der Freiwilligen steigern.

“The first ever global Volunteering for Development standard has been created by the International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum). The Global Standard for Volunteering for Development will ensure more responsible and impactful volunteering, and will help organisations positively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Standard is not simply a set of rules, it is a resource that can be taken up by any organisation working in the volunteering and development sectors, providing standards that will strengthen outcomes and provide care and protection for volunteers and the people and communities they work with.”

Auszug aus dem forumIDS. Lesen Sie hier den ganzen Artikel.
